Hamsa K
7 min read | 5 years ago

How To Install SonarQube On Centos 7

Installing sonarqube on centos 

SonarQube is an open source tool for source code quality management, code analysis etc. It is the most widely used tool for code coverage and analysis

Note: SonarQube requires atleast 2GB of RAM to run efficiently. Please check the SonarQube official doc to know the detailed prerequisites.

you can install database Mysql or postgresql or Mariadb as per your environment.

Step 1: Installing Java

Now, install Java as below

[root@lampblogs ~]# yum install java
[root@lampblogs ~]# yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64

check java version

[root@lampblogs ~]# java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_212"

Step 2: Install and configure mysql

wget http://repo.mysql.com/mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh mysql-community-release-el7-5.noarch.rpm
yum install mysql-server

once mysql is installed start service 

[root@lampblogs ~]# systemctl start mysqld

configure mysql by running mysql_secure_installation

[root@lampblogs ~]# mysql_secure_installation

step 3: create db and user for sonarqube

Login from  mysql -u root -p and run below commands from mysql shell

[root@lampblogs ~]# mysql -u root -p
CREATE DATABASE sonarqube_db;
CREATE USER 'sonarqube_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sonarqube_db.* TO 'sonarqube_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Replace sonarqube_db,sonarqube_user and password with your own.

Create a new user for running SonarQube. This is because you cannot run the newer versions of elasticsearch as the root user.

[root@lampblogs ~]# useradd sonarqube
[root@lampblogs ~]# passwd sonarqube

Step 4: Download and install sonarqube

Download the latest version of SonarQube from this URL

[root@lampblogs ~]# cd /opt
[root@lampblogs opt]# wget https://binaries.sonarsource.com/Distribution/sonarqube/sonarqube-6.7.7.zip
[root@lampblogs opt]# mv sonarqube-6.7.7 sonarqube

we are running Sonarqube as a separate user, assign proper ownership to Sonarqube files.

[root@lampblogs ~]# chown sonarqube. /opt/sonarqube -R

Next, open the SonarQube configuration file 'conf/sonar.properties'

[root@lampblogs ~]# vi /opt/sonarqube/conf/sonar.properties

Enter database details as below


Open the SonarQube startup script and specify the sonarqube user details.

[root@lampblogs ~]# vi /opt/sonarqube/bin/linux-x86-64/sonar.sh

Add below entry in above file


Step 5: start sonarQube

[root@lampblogs ~]# /opt/sonarqube/bin/linux-x86-64/sonar.sh start

That’s all we have configured sonarqube successfully in centos.Now you can access it using http://ip_address:9000

Step 6: configure sonarqube as systemd service

[root@lampblogs ~]# vi vi /etc/systemd/system/sonar.service

Add below lines to above file

Description=SonarQube service
After=syslog.target network.target
ExecStart=/opt/sonarqube/bin/linux-x86-64/sonar.sh start
ExecStop=/opt/sonarqube/bin/linux-x86-64/sonar.sh stop

Now stop  sonarqube  service once and start with systemd as below

[root@lampblogs ~]# /opt/sonarqube/bin/linux-x86-64/sonar.sh stop
[root@lampblogs ~]# systemctl start sonar
[root@lampblogs ~]# systemctl enable sonar
[root@lampblogs ~]# systemctl status sonar

The default username and password of SonarQube is admin and admin.

sample output:


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